Onawa is a progressive rural community nestled between the beautiful Loess Hills and the Missouri River along the I-29 corridor.

Onawa is an exciting residential and industrial community with a  rich and colorful history, from the Lewis & Clark Expedition to the origins of Eskimo Pies.

Onawa has an active community calendar, which includes the Monona County Fair, the Annual Swap Meet, Graffiti Night, Lewis & Clark Festival, Ventures and ONABIKE. The community offers a variety of recreational opportunities including the great city parks, the picturesque Loess Hills, the Gramm Conservation Area and Lewis & Clark State Park.

Onawa’s Vision Statement
Onawa is a rural Iowa community portraying solid family values and sound economic growth.  We excel in promoting new businesses to the region and retaining existing ones. It is a community of choice in religious affiliation, education, health care, housing and recreational opportunities. We are a city that residents are proud to call home.
