Bill McGinn

William F. McGinn
Courts Admitted to
United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
United States District Court, Southern District, Iowa
United States District Court, Nebraska
Supreme Court of Iowa
Supreme Court of Nebraska
Law School
Creighton University School of Law, J.D., 1987
Creighton University, 1984
Iowa State Bar Association
Nebraska State Bar Association
Pottawattamie County Bar Association
Sarpy County Bar Association
Mr. McGinn is a member and past officer of several service organizations including the Jaycees, the Elks Club, and the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Mr. McGinn was an elected member of the West Pottawattamie County Soil Conservation Commission and has served on several civic related committees. Bill is an active pilot and equestrian and served on the Council Bluffs airport authority for 15 years.